My daughter, Haelee, and I are all about mental and physical wellness. She’s an avid Yogi, while I find my peace in weightlifting and jogging. We dared to meet in the middle by trying Goat Yoga on Saturday, October 7, 2023. Now, you might be wondering, what in the world is Goat Yoga? Well it’s where trained baby goats, join instructor led yoga courses making for truly delightful experiences.
I’ll admit, I was a bit apprehensive at first, especially when the raindrops began to fall. But our instructor, Victoria Privette shared beautiful insight when she proffered that rain paints the sky with the most beautiful sunsets and sunrises. Inspired by her words, I fully embraced the moments with our goat friends.
Haelee and I left feeling refreshed, relaxed, and already planning our next adventure, Puppy Yoga with The Homestead at Little Creek and Victory Power Yoga. We’re crossing our fingers that our furry buddy, Oreo, won’t mind us smelling like our newfound farm friends when we get back home.
A massive shoutout to Victoria for guiding us on this enchanting journey, and heartfelt gratitude to Jeff and Megan for graciously opening their farm to people like us, near and far.
Have you ever tried yoga? Or better yet, have you ever tried it with puppies or baby goats? If not, we warmly invite you to explore The Homestead at Little Creek and Victory Power Yoga in the heart of Clayton, NC.. The Homestead at Little Creek is nestled at 445 Little Creek Church Rd, and Victory Power Yoga is located at 34 Oleander Dr, Ste 105. They both offer wonderful yoga experiences, and Victory Power Yoga even extends discounts for students and convenient drop-in rates. If you decide to visit, please give them a warm hello from Dedrick and Haelee for an extra welcoming smile! And who knows, perhaps you'll see us there as well.